VIP FB Group ->

Ophelia Fae Co - Policies

Bartering (Currently not offering)

Please don’t hesitate to ask about Bartering - If you can provide me with products or items I am interested in, I would be willing to trade Virtual Assistant Hours for the retail cost of products (in which you cannot overcharge me in a trade; trade must be reasonable, i.e., 2 Hand Dyed Tees = 3 Hours of work was agreed upon previously, that covered retail and shipping)

Must send a “Barter” invoice (usually a $0 invoice, stating what was bartered, tat, retail pricing, etc.) - if one party does not perform their side of the swap, the responsible party must pay for products or services received.

Design Usage

Sublimation Transfers - Wholesale - Retail - Engagement Graphics (personal or resell)
Do I have rights? - What is allowed if anything?
Let me know your terms & conditions while I have access to your designs.

These will be listed in our Google Drive Folder for you and your business as a source for our agreed-upon terms for usage if any.

Turnaround time

Based on the invoice - weekly, biweekly, monthly

Images, Descriptions, Captions/Posts, etc. must be provided for work to start. 

A 24-hour notice is recommended to ensure I can do the work needed. You can pay for rushed services if requested.

Scheduling posts

Content must be provided if you do not provide content, I will use my own graphics I have purchased or created along with any images off the website to fulfill the posts. If you dislike my posts, you are more than welcome to provide images and captions for me to post.


  • NO REFUNDS ON VA SERVICES - You may cancel at any time with proper notice.
  • If participating in illegal actions (i.e., dump groups, scamming, theft, not shipping orders) All work will be halted - Services will end and no refunds will be given.
  • Remember to follow the designer's terms of use with their designs. Watermark all images in ways theft is not possible. If you refuse to watermark designs, I have the right to cancel all services.
  • At any time, we no longer fit each other's needs. After a conversation trying to work it out, you may be dismissed or end services, but we must notify each other ahead of time and finish out paid work.
  • You are not required to have a weekly update, but it can be provided if needed. A weekly update would need to be a 30-minute to hour “meeting” where we go over what is needed in the upcoming weeks to work towards or fulfill.
  • If services are not used or planned to use within 2 months of purchasing, or customer stops responding within 14 days, services will be canceled without refund.

I am still learning and growing, and I will do my absolute best to provide the best services I can. If I am not meeting your needs, please allow me to fix any mistakes. I cannot guarantee perfect results every time for every client. Some things have to be changed from business to business. I strive to do quality work alongside quantity. If you need any help or have questions & concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me!
